PlayStation Plus, last day to redeem the first free games of 2023

In a few hours they will no longer be officially available Free January games on PlayStation Plusthe first freebies offered by the subscription service to kick off the new year.
From tomorrow In fact, February’s free titles are officially released, making it impossible to redeem the games distributed in the last month. However, if you hurry You can still add them to your collection and download them as many times as you like, provided you’re still subscribed to PS Plus Essential (find a dedicated gift card on Amazon).
We look forward to expanding your collection 4 new giftsSo you still have plenty of time to redeem the free spins offered in January, but only until 11.00 tomorrow February 7th.
The 2023 line-up started with many particularly interesting gifts, among which we cannot go unmentioned Star Wars Jedi Fallen Orderthe award-winning adventure with Cal Kestis that we recommend you to continue survivor.
We therefore summarize for you below full list with the free games still available on PlayStation Plus for the next few hours: you can redeem them directly by clicking on the corresponding official pages.
We remind you that once you have successfully added titles to your collection, you can always check and then download your game collection directly from your PS5 or PS4 consoles whenever you want redeemed bonds.
So even if you don’t want to play them right away, we advise you to add them to your collection anyway, so they’ll be ready for you to use at a later date. But they are missing now less than 24 hours until their removaltherefore, we advise you not to hesitate and act immediately if you have not already done so in the last few days.
Speaking of goodbyes, let’s remember this The PlayStation Plus collection is also on the brink of extinction definitely the PS5 catalogue, but even in this case any titles you add to your collection will be yours forever. Even if you subscribed to Extra or Premium, in a few days You can’t even access 12 free games anymore.