In Season 3 of The Witcher, someone insisted on including a character from the books

The third season of The Witcher It arrived on Netflix a few hours ago, starring Henry Cavill in the role of Geralt of Rivia for the last time.
The saga (which you can also find in CD Projekt’s video game series, restorable At Amazon) is indeed continuing its live-action run in the well-known streaming catalogue.
Despite Liam Hemsworth has no intention of disappointing the fansat the moment it is too early to talk about it.
Well, as also reported by GameRantthe actor he plays buttercup insisted on including a character straight from Andrzej Sapkowski’s original books in the third season.
Attention: from now on you will follow spoiler about the stars of the show. The procedure is at your own risk.
The third season of The Witcherspecifically based on the second novel in the series, time of war. The story mostly revolves around Ciri as the main character and the producers have promised that the series will stay true to the books.
The novel centers on the struggle of the Princess of Cintran, an appropriate title considering the source material for the new season of The Witcher It is full of tragedy and difficult choices.
But the desire to Joey Batey to include a specific character it was more personal.
“I insisted on adding a character from the book”explained Batey GamesRadar in an interview. “I said, ‘Please lock it up vespulaI ask you'”.
Vespula, Jaskier’s lover, was a character Batey met during the audition. “We have this scene from the book and it was nice to be able to come back to it and the scene with Vespula is the sequence I auditioned for five years ago. […] I felt very comfortable in the character.
Remember that the first part of the third season of The Witcher has been airing on Netflix since June 29. After a little breakthe show will return with the second part, starting July 27th.
But that’s not all: Tomek Baginski, interviewed by meter, Netflix’s vision explained regarding book fidelity for season 3 of The Witcher.