February 15, 2025

Hogwarts Legacy on PS4 runs better than you might think


The success of Hogwarts legacy continues as a few months after debuting on current-gen consoles and PC, it’s time for the version for Older generation consoles.

The title developed by Avalanche (which you can create yourself At Amazon at a really attractive price) entertained the enthusiasts al magic world.

The game has won millions of fans around the world, and the number of Sales registered in Europe I’m here to witness.

But now, as also reported by press squareit seems that the PS4 version of the game is doing surprisingly well.

In fact, many wondered if such a huge open world – with the magnificent Hogwarts castle to explore and surrounding areas – would also work in the last-gen version.

Fortunately, such concerns appear to be unfounded, as demonstrated by ElAnalistaDeBits technical analysis on day one This is a quality port.

If you play one Hogwarts legacy on a base PS4 you have a resolution of 900p at 30 frames per secondbut by unlocking you can reach 50 fps.

On the PS4 Pro, however, the resolution is 1080p with the same 30 fps. However, it’s possible to hit 60fps indoors if you unlock the framerate.

However, the frame rate maxes out at 45fps outdoors. In comparison, the PS5, PS4 and PS4 Pro take five seconds to load about 40 seconds to get past the loading screens.

As for the graphics, it’s obvious that some quality is lost in terms of general graphics, object distance and lighting, but the results on PS4 they are not that far away from those obtained on PS5.

We also remind you that to celebrate the launch on PS4 and Xbox One, a mega update for has just been released Hogwarts legacy with over 500 corrections.

In the meantime, we would like to point out that Avalanche Software has already revealed that they are working on a new, not yet announced Triple-A for consoles: could just be the sequel to Hogwarts legacy.

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